Comb Foundation Management
Comb foundation is a sheet made of beeswax with an embossed comb pattern, which is used in modern beekeeping to help bees build regularly-shaped combs fast. Worker bees consume a large amount of honey and nectar when producing wax to build combs (estimates suggest 10 g of honey to make 1 g of beeswax), and it takes a considerable amount of time. Thus comb building reduces the productivity of the colony. Comb foundation speeds up the process by providing a wax base and a pattern that bees can use to start from when building a new comb. It must be used in the brood chamber frames, and can also be used in frames for the super chamber if no old combs are available for reuse. Different comb foundation is used for Apis mellifera and Apis cerana bees; foundation for the Newton hive (Apis cerana) has a smaller cell size and smaller sheets. Using comb foundation has a number of advantages.
- It helps production of straight regular combs.
- It is easier for beekeepers to inspect and replace combs.
- Honey can be harvested with a honey extractor (which requires straight combs) to give uncontaminated high quality honey; harvesting with an extractor is faster and doesn't break the combs so that they can be reused.
- Collection and storage of hive product is faster as the bees use the small volume of wax they excrete more efficiently.
- Combs are stronger and will not be damaged during migration.
- Drone production in a hive can be minimized as the foundation does not have the larger cells needed for drone rearing. When the bees want to rear drones, they adapt the foundation and make larger cells.
Installing comb foundation
- The foundation sheet should be placed in the groove of an empty frame, fixed with melted wax from a pot or burning candle, and the wires of the frame attached to the face of the comb with drops of melted wax or by pressing the wire into the comb foundation with a sharp heated knife or hive tool.
- Foundation is mainly used in the brood chamber and in or just before the honey flow season. If combs are needed in the super of a bee colony, it is best to use stored old combs, or to move honeycombs from the brood chamber to the super and place new comb foundation in the brood chamber.
- The frame with foundation can be placed at the centre or side of the hive according to the colony status and season. It should be placed at the side in a strong colony and at the centre in a weak colony. It is better not to provide foundation during the dearth season, but if needed, it should be placed at the side.
- In a strong colony, old combs or foundation should be added to the super shortly before the honey flow season. Two or more comb foundations can be supplied at the same time to a colony in the honey flow season.
- Comb foundation can be cut to fit the super chamber if needed.
- The colony size and external temperature should be taken into consideration when adding comb foundation.
- During the cold season, the comb foundation or stored old combs should be dipped in warm water before placing in the hive.
Storing comb foundation
New foundation
Prepared comb foundation sheets should be wrapped in clean newspaper, with individual sheets separated by a piece of paper, and stored safely in a cool dry place for later use.
Old combs
- Wrap old drained combs still in the frame in newspaper. Store safely in a cool, dry place protected from fungi and insects. Make sure they are free from wax moth or other pests before reusing.
- After opening a packet of old combs, select ones that are reusable and air them in the open for 24 hours in a safe place.
- Immerse the combs in clean water for a short time, drain the water from the cells on both sides, dry in the shade, and then use